Excel & GoogleSheet Skript um Koordinaten von EDSM abzurufen

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Excel & GoogleSheet Skript um Koordinaten von EDSM abzurufen


Hallo Zusammen,

nach dem Verlust des alten Forums, hier vielleicht ein kleiner Beitrag von mir um etwas vom alten Bestand wiederherzustellen.

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Public Function GetEliteDangerSysCoord(ByRef SystemName As String, ByRef XYorZCoord As String) As Double

' EDSM (Elite Dangerous Star Map) is a

'community effort to store and calculate systems coordinates around the Elite: Dangerous Galaxy.


'Pass the System Name -> "SysteName" and which coordinate you want X, Y, or Z -> "XYorZCoord"

Dim EDSMresource As String 'Base URL with appended with system name to request coordinates

Dim EDSMresponse As Object 'JSON data returned from EDSM for example {"name":"LHS 3447","coords":{"x":-43.1875,"y":-5.28125,"z":56.15625}}

'(JavaScript Object Notation)

Dim EDSMjsonData As String 'Store as an ordinary string the JSON data to parse

Dim intStartJson As Integer 'Number of charactures from left the coord starts in the JSON data, for LHS 3447 the x-coord starts 34 charactures from the left

Dim intCoordLenJson As Integer 'Number of charactures in the JSON data for the coordinate, for LHS 3447 the x-coord is -43.1875 or 8 charactures
Dim david As String     'Variable for the dmaster'sche decimal correction for systems with "," as decimal separator
Dim braben As String    'Variable for the dmaster'sche decimal correction for systems with "," as decimal separator

' The system name must be in URL format. For example, the system BD+66 696 has a plus sign; the plus sign must be converted to %2B,

' and the space must be converted to +

' Therefore, the system BD%2B66+696 gives the correct cordinates

SystemName = URLEncode(SystemName) ' the below macro encodes into URL format

' URL of EDSM to return the JSON data of system coordinates

EDSMresource = "https://www.edsm.net/api-v1/system?sysname=" & SystemName & "&coords=1"

On Error Resume Next

'Get the JSON data

Set EDSMresponse = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")

With EDSMresponse

.Open "GET", EDSMresource, False


david = .responseText
braben = ","                                'dmaster'sche decimal correction for systems with "," as decimal separator
EDSMjsonData = Replace(david, ".", braben)  'dmaster'sche decimal correction for systems with "," as decimal separator

End With

'Parse the JSON data to return the X, Y, or Z Coordinate

Select Case XYorZCoord

Case "x", "X"

'Trim off the first part of the JSON data - > {"name":"LHS 3447","coords":{"x":

'InStr returns 29, which is the number of charactures up to and including the : before the {"x":

'InStrRev returns 42, which is the number of charactures up to and including the , in ,"y":

intStartJson = InStr(EDSMjsonData, "{" & Chr(34) & "x" & Chr(34) & ":") + 5 ' add five for the {"x": note Chr(34) is the double quote

intCoordLenJson = InStrRev(EDSMjsonData, "," & Chr(34) & "y" & Chr(34) & ":") - intStartJson

Case "y", "Y"

intStartJson = InStr(EDSMjsonData, "," & Chr(34) & "y" & Chr(34) & ":") + 5

intCoordLenJson = InStrRev(EDSMjsonData, "," & Chr(34) & "z" & Chr(34) & ":") - intStartJson

Case "z", "Z"

intStartJson = InStr(EDSMjsonData, "," & Chr(34) & "z" & Chr(34) & ":") + 5

intCoordLenJson = InStrRev(EDSMjsonData, "},") - intStartJson  'corrected from: EDSMjsonData, "}}" to: EDSMjsonData, "}," to get the correct z coordinates instead of "0"

Case Else

'If is not a lower or upper case x,y,or z

'return 9999 and then exit function

GetEliteDangerSysCoord = 9999

Set EDSMresponse = Nothing

Exit Function

End Select

'The Mid returns the coordinate parsed from the JSON data

GetEliteDangerSysCoord = Mid(EDSMjsonData, intStartJson, intCoordLenJson)

Set EDSMresponse = Nothing

End Function

Function URLEncode(ByVal Text As String) As String

'This function takes the string and converts to URL format

' I found this macro at http://sevenwires.blogspot.com/2009/07/code-encode-url-in-excel.html

' Thanks to those who wrote it

Dim i As Integer

Dim acode As Integer

Dim char As String

URLEncode = Text

For i = Len(URLEncode) To 1 Step -1

acode = Asc(Mid$(URLEncode, i, 1))

Select Case acode

Case 48 To 57, 65 To 90, 97 To 122

' don't touch alphanumeric chars

Case 32

' replace space with "+"

Mid$(URLEncode, i, 1) = "+"

Case Else

' replace punctuation chars with "%hex"

URLEncode = Left$(URLEncode, i - 1) & "%" & Hex$(acode) & Mid$(URLEncode, i + 1)

End Select


End Function

  • In Excel die Entwicklertools aktivieren.
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Variablen: GetEliteDangerSysCoord(Zelle mit Systemnamen;"x,X,y,Y,z,Z")

" =GetEliteDangerSysCoord(A1;"x") " -> wird z.B. die X-Koordinate des Systems in Zelle A1 von EDSM abgerufen und als Kommazahl ausgegeben.

Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich beim Autor nemwar für den Beitrag (Insgesamt 4):
nepoHudinyMarkus (Razor2)MajorK
Beiträge: 160
Registriert: Mo 5. Sep 2022, 11:46
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Re: VisualBasic (Excel) Skript um Koordinaten von EDSM abzurufen


So, ich versuche es mal:

Möchte mir jemand mit Javascript-Kentnissen das VBA-Skript auf Google-Sheets ummünzen?
Es wäre halt sehr praktisch, da ich i.d.R. alles was E:D betrifft mit Sheets mache...

Leider MS Office Online nicht in der Lage VBA-Skripts zu verarbeiten.

So muss ich immer in Excel die Koordinaten ziehen und das ganze dann in Google Sheets kopieren... und ja ... das nervt mit der Zeit.
Beiträge: 160
Registriert: Mo 5. Sep 2022, 11:46
Hat sich bedankt: 14 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 222 Mal

Re: VisualBasic (Excel) Skript um Koordinaten von EDSM abzurufen


Dank Envisitor ist das Problem nun gelöst:

Google Sheets => Erweiterungen => AppsScripts

Folgendes Script reinkopieren:

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  ImportJSON by Brad Jasper and Trevor Lohrbeer
  Version:      1.5.0
  Project Page: https://github.com/bradjasper/ImportJSON
  Copyright:    (c) 2017-2019 by Brad Jasper
                (c) 2012-2017 by Trevor Lohrbeer
  License:      GNU General Public License, version 3 (GPL-3.0) 
  A library for importing JSON feeds into Google spreadsheets. Functions include:
     ImportJSON            For use by end users to import a JSON feed from a URL 
     ImportJSONFromSheet   For use by end users to import JSON from one of the Sheets
     ImportJSONViaPost     For use by end users to import a JSON feed from a URL using POST parameters
     ImportJSONAdvanced    For use by script developers to easily extend the functionality of this library
     ImportJSONBasicAuth   For use by end users to import a JSON feed from a URL with HTTP Basic Auth (added by Karsten Lettow)
  For future enhancements see https://github.com/bradjasper/ImportJSON/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3Aenhancement
  For bug reports see https://github.com/bradjasper/ImportJSON/issues
  1.6.0 (June 2, 2019) Fixed null values (thanks @gdesmedt1)
  1.5.0  (January 11, 2019) Adds ability to include all headers in a fixed order even when no data is present for a given header in some or all rows.
  1.4.0  (July 23, 2017) Transfer project to Brad Jasper. Fixed off-by-one array bug. Fixed previous value bug. Added custom annotations. Added ImportJSONFromSheet and ImportJSONBasicAuth.
  1.3.0  Adds ability to import the text from a set of rows containing the text to parse. All cells are concatenated
  1.2.1  Fixed a bug with how nested arrays are handled. The rowIndex counter wasn't incrementing properly when parsing.
  1.2.0  Added ImportJSONViaPost and support for fetchOptions to ImportJSONAdvanced
  1.1.1  Added a version number using Google Scripts Versioning so other developers can use the library
  1.1.0  Added support for the noHeaders option
  1.0.0  Initial release

 * Imports a JSON feed and returns the results to be inserted into a Google Spreadsheet. The JSON feed is flattened to create 
 * a two-dimensional array. The first row contains the headers, with each column header indicating the path to that data in 
 * the JSON feed. The remaining rows contain the data. 
 * By default, data gets transformed so it looks more like a normal data import. Specifically:
 *   - Data from parent JSON elements gets inherited to their child elements, so rows representing child elements contain the values 
 *      of the rows representing their parent elements.
 *   - Values longer than 256 characters get truncated.
 *   - Headers have slashes converted to spaces, common prefixes removed and the resulting text converted to title case. 
 * To change this behavior, pass in one of these values in the options parameter:
 *    noInherit:     Don't inherit values from parent elements
 *    noTruncate:    Don't truncate values
 *    rawHeaders:    Don't prettify headers
 *    noHeaders:     Don't include headers, only the data
 *    allHeaders:    Include all headers from the query parameter in the order they are listed
 *    debugLocation: Prepend each value with the row & column it belongs in
 * For example:
 *   =ImportJSON("http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/standardfeeds/most_popular?v=2&alt=json", "/feed/entry/title,/feed/entry/content",
 *               "noInherit,noTruncate,rawHeaders")
 * @param {url}          the URL to a public JSON feed
 * @param {query}        a comma-separated list of paths to import. Any path starting with one of these paths gets imported.
 * @param {parseOptions} a comma-separated list of options that alter processing of the data
 * @customfunction
 * @return a two-dimensional array containing the data, with the first row containing headers
function ImportJSON(url, query, parseOptions) {
  return ImportJSONAdvanced(url, null, query, parseOptions, includeXPath_, defaultTransform_);

 * Imports a JSON feed via a POST request and returns the results to be inserted into a Google Spreadsheet. The JSON feed is 
 * flattened to create a two-dimensional array. The first row contains the headers, with each column header indicating the path to 
 * that data in the JSON feed. The remaining rows contain the data.
 * To retrieve the JSON, a POST request is sent to the URL and the payload is passed as the content of the request using the content 
 * type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded". If the fetchOptions define a value for "method", "payload" or "contentType", these 
 * values will take precedent. For example, advanced users can use this to make this function pass XML as the payload using a GET 
 * request and a content type of "application/xml; charset=utf-8". For more information on the available fetch options, see
 * https://developers.google.com/apps-script/reference/url-fetch/url-fetch-app . At this time the "headers" option is not supported.
 * By default, the returned data gets transformed so it looks more like a normal data import. Specifically:
 *   - Data from parent JSON elements gets inherited to their child elements, so rows representing child elements contain the values 
 *     of the rows representing their parent elements.
 *   - Values longer than 256 characters get truncated.
 *   - Headers have slashes converted to spaces, common prefixes removed and the resulting text converted to title case. 
 * To change this behavior, pass in one of these values in the options parameter:
 *    noInherit:     Don't inherit values from parent elements
 *    noTruncate:    Don't truncate values
 *    rawHeaders:    Don't prettify headers
 *    noHeaders:     Don't include headers, only the data
 *    allHeaders:    Include all headers from the query parameter in the order they are listed
 *    debugLocation: Prepend each value with the row & column it belongs in
 * For example:
 *   =ImportJSON("http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/standardfeeds/most_popular?v=2&alt=json", "user=bob&apikey=xxxx", 
 *               "validateHttpsCertificates=false", "/feed/entry/title,/feed/entry/content", "noInherit,noTruncate,rawHeaders")
 * @param {url}          the URL to a public JSON feed
 * @param {payload}      the content to pass with the POST request; usually a URL encoded list of parameters separated by ampersands
 * @param {fetchOptions} a comma-separated list of options used to retrieve the JSON feed from the URL
 * @param {query}        a comma-separated list of paths to import. Any path starting with one of these paths gets imported.
 * @param {parseOptions} a comma-separated list of options that alter processing of the data
 * @customfunction
 * @return a two-dimensional array containing the data, with the first row containing headers
function ImportJSONViaPost(url, payload, fetchOptions, query, parseOptions) {
  var postOptions = parseToObject_(fetchOptions);
  if (postOptions["method"] == null) {
    postOptions["method"] = "POST";

  if (postOptions["payload"] == null) {
    postOptions["payload"] = payload;

  if (postOptions["contentType"] == null) {
    postOptions["contentType"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";

  convertToBool_(postOptions, "validateHttpsCertificates");
  convertToBool_(postOptions, "useIntranet");
  convertToBool_(postOptions, "followRedirects");
  convertToBool_(postOptions, "muteHttpExceptions");
  return ImportJSONAdvanced(url, postOptions, query, parseOptions, includeXPath_, defaultTransform_);

 * Imports a JSON text from a named Sheet and returns the results to be inserted into a Google Spreadsheet. The JSON feed is flattened to create 
 * a two-dimensional array. The first row contains the headers, with each column header indicating the path to that data in 
 * the JSON feed. The remaining rows contain the data. 
 * By default, data gets transformed so it looks more like a normal data import. Specifically:
 *   - Data from parent JSON elements gets inherited to their child elements, so rows representing child elements contain the values 
 *      of the rows representing their parent elements.
 *   - Values longer than 256 characters get truncated.
 *   - Headers have slashes converted to spaces, common prefixes removed and the resulting text converted to title case. 
 * To change this behavior, pass in one of these values in the options parameter:
 *    noInherit:     Don't inherit values from parent elements
 *    noTruncate:    Don't truncate values
 *    rawHeaders:    Don't prettify headers
 *    noHeaders:     Don't include headers, only the data
 *    allHeaders:    Include all headers from the query parameter in the order they are listed
 *    debugLocation: Prepend each value with the row & column it belongs in
 * For example:
 *   =ImportJSONFromSheet("Source", "/feed/entry/title,/feed/entry/content",
 *               "noInherit,noTruncate,rawHeaders")
 * @param {sheetName} the name of the sheet containg the text for the JSON
 * @param {query} a comma-separated lists of paths to import. Any path starting with one of these paths gets imported.
 * @param {options} a comma-separated list of options that alter processing of the data
 * @return a two-dimensional array containing the data, with the first row containing headers
 * @customfunction
function ImportJSONFromSheet(sheetName, query, options) {

  var object = getDataFromNamedSheet_(sheetName);
  return parseJSONObject_(object, query, options, includeXPath_, defaultTransform_);

 * An advanced version of ImportJSON designed to be easily extended by a script. This version cannot be called from within a 
 * spreadsheet.
 * Imports a JSON feed and returns the results to be inserted into a Google Spreadsheet. The JSON feed is flattened to create 
 * a two-dimensional array. The first row contains the headers, with each column header indicating the path to that data in 
 * the JSON feed. The remaining rows contain the data. 
 * The fetchOptions can be used to change how the JSON feed is retrieved. For instance, the "method" and "payload" options can be 
 * set to pass a POST request with post parameters. For more information on the available parameters, see 
 * https://developers.google.com/apps-script/reference/url-fetch/url-fetch-app .
 * Use the include and transformation functions to determine what to include in the import and how to transform the data after it is
 * imported. 
 * For example:
 *   ImportJSON("http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/standardfeeds/most_popular?v=2&alt=json", 
 *              new Object() { "method" : "post", "payload" : "user=bob&apikey=xxxx" },
 *              "/feed/entry",
 *              "",
 *              function (query, path) { return path.indexOf(query) == 0; },
 *              function (data, row, column) { data[row][column] = data[row][column].toString().substr(0, 100); } )
 * In this example, the import function checks to see if the path to the data being imported starts with the query. The transform 
 * function takes the data and truncates it. For more robust versions of these functions, see the internal code of this library.
 * @param {url}           the URL to a public JSON feed
 * @param {fetchOptions}  an object whose properties are options used to retrieve the JSON feed from the URL
 * @param {query}         the query passed to the include function
 * @param {parseOptions}  a comma-separated list of options that may alter processing of the data
 * @param {includeFunc}   a function with the signature func(query, path, options) that returns true if the data element at the given path
 *                        should be included or false otherwise. 
 * @param {transformFunc} a function with the signature func(data, row, column, options) where data is a 2-dimensional array of the data 
 *                        and row & column are the current row and column being processed. Any return value is ignored. Note that row 0 
 *                        contains the headers for the data, so test for row==0 to process headers only.
 * @return a two-dimensional array containing the data, with the first row containing headers
 * @customfunction
function ImportJSONAdvanced(url, fetchOptions, query, parseOptions, includeFunc, transformFunc) {
  var jsondata = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, fetchOptions);
  var object   = JSON.parse(jsondata.getContentText());
  return parseJSONObject_(object, query, parseOptions, includeFunc, transformFunc);

 * Helper function to authenticate with basic auth informations using ImportJSONAdvanced
 * Imports a JSON feed and returns the results to be inserted into a Google Spreadsheet. The JSON feed is flattened to create
 * a two-dimensional array. The first row contains the headers, with each column header indicating the path to that data in
 * the JSON feed. The remaining rows contain the data.
 * The fetchOptions can be used to change how the JSON feed is retrieved. For instance, the "method" and "payload" options can be
 * set to pass a POST request with post parameters. For more information on the available parameters, see
 * https://developers.google.com/apps-script/reference/url-fetch/url-fetch-app .
 * Use the include and transformation functions to determine what to include in the import and how to transform the data after it is
 * imported.
 * @param {url}           the URL to a http basic auth protected JSON feed
 * @param {username}      the Username for authentication
 * @param {password}      the Password for authentication
 * @param {query}         the query passed to the include function (optional)
 * @param {parseOptions}  a comma-separated list of options that may alter processing of the data (optional)
 * @return a two-dimensional array containing the data, with the first row containing headers
 * @customfunction
function ImportJSONBasicAuth(url, username, password, query, parseOptions) {
  var encodedAuthInformation = Utilities.base64Encode(username + ":" + password);
  var header = {headers: {Authorization: "Basic " + encodedAuthInformation}};
  return ImportJSONAdvanced(url, header, query, parseOptions, includeXPath_, defaultTransform_);

 * Encodes the given value to use within a URL.
 * @param {value} the value to be encoded
 * @return the value encoded using URL percent-encoding
function URLEncode(value) {
  return encodeURIComponent(value.toString());  

 * Adds an oAuth service using the given name and the list of properties.
 * @note This method is an experiment in trying to figure out how to add an oAuth service without having to specify it on each 
 *       ImportJSON call. The idea was to call this method in the first cell of a spreadsheet, and then use ImportJSON in other
 *       cells. This didn't work, but leaving this in here for further experimentation later. 
 *       The test I did was to add the following into the A1:
 *           =AddOAuthService("twitter", "https://api.twitter.com/oauth/access_token", 
 *                            "https://api.twitter.com/oauth/request_token", "https://api.twitter.com/oauth/authorize", 
 *                            "<my consumer key>", "<my consumer secret>", "", "")
 *       Information on obtaining a consumer key & secret for Twitter can be found at https://dev.twitter.com/docs/auth/using-oauth
 *       Then I added the following into A2:
 *           =ImportJSONViaPost("https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/user_timeline.json?screen_name=fastfedora&count=2", "",
 *                              "oAuthServiceName=twitter,oAuthUseToken=always", "/", "")
 *       I received an error that the "oAuthServiceName" was not a valid value. [twl 18.Apr.13]
function AddOAuthService__(name, accessTokenUrl, requestTokenUrl, authorizationUrl, consumerKey, consumerSecret, method, paramLocation) {
  var oAuthConfig = UrlFetchApp.addOAuthService(name);

  if (accessTokenUrl != null && accessTokenUrl.length > 0) {
  if (requestTokenUrl != null && requestTokenUrl.length > 0) {
  if (authorizationUrl != null && authorizationUrl.length > 0) {
  if (consumerKey != null && consumerKey.length > 0) {
  if (consumerSecret != null && consumerSecret.length > 0) {
  if (method != null && method.length > 0) {
  if (paramLocation != null && paramLocation.length > 0) {

 * Parses a JSON object and returns a two-dimensional array containing the data of that object.
function parseJSONObject_(object, query, options, includeFunc, transformFunc) {
  var headers = new Array();
  var data    = new Array();
  if (query && !Array.isArray(query) && query.toString().indexOf(",") != -1) {
    query = query.toString().split(",");

  // Prepopulate the headers to lock in their order
  if (hasOption_(options, "allHeaders") && Array.isArray(query))
    for (var i = 0; i < query.length; i++)
      headers[query[i]] = Object.keys(headers).length;
  if (options) {
    options = options.toString().split(",");
  parseData_(headers, data, "", {rowIndex: 1}, object, query, options, includeFunc);
  parseHeaders_(headers, data);
  transformData_(data, options, transformFunc);
  return hasOption_(options, "noHeaders") ? (data.length > 1 ? data.slice(1) : new Array()) : data;

 * Parses the data contained within the given value and inserts it into the data two-dimensional array starting at the rowIndex. 
 * If the data is to be inserted into a new column, a new header is added to the headers array. The value can be an object, 
 * array or scalar value.
 * If the value is an object, it's properties are iterated through and passed back into this function with the name of each 
 * property extending the path. For instance, if the object contains the property "entry" and the path passed in was "/feed",
 * this function is called with the value of the entry property and the path "/feed/entry".
 * If the value is an array containing other arrays or objects, each element in the array is passed into this function with 
 * the rowIndex incremeneted for each element.
 * If the value is an array containing only scalar values, those values are joined together and inserted into the data array as 
 * a single value.
 * If the value is a scalar, the value is inserted directly into the data array.
function parseData_(headers, data, path, state, value, query, options, includeFunc) {
  var dataInserted = false;

  if (Array.isArray(value) && isObjectArray_(value)) {
    for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
      if (parseData_(headers, data, path, state, value[i], query, options, includeFunc)) {
        dataInserted = true;

        if (data[state.rowIndex]) {
  } else if (isObject_(value)) {
    for (key in value) {
      if (parseData_(headers, data, path + "/" + key, state, value[key], query, options, includeFunc)) {
        dataInserted = true; 
  } else if (!includeFunc || includeFunc(query, path, options)) {
    // Handle arrays containing only scalar values
    if (Array.isArray(value)) {
      value = value.join(); 
    // Insert new row if one doesn't already exist
    if (!data[state.rowIndex]) {
      data[state.rowIndex] = new Array();
    // Add a new header if one doesn't exist
    if (!headers[path] && headers[path] != 0) {
      headers[path] = Object.keys(headers).length;
    // Insert the data
    data[state.rowIndex][headers[path]] = value;
    dataInserted = true;
  return dataInserted;

 * Parses the headers array and inserts it into the first row of the data array.
function parseHeaders_(headers, data) {
  data[0] = new Array();

  for (key in headers) {
    data[0][headers[key]] = key;

 * Applies the transform function for each element in the data array, going through each column of each row.
function transformData_(data, options, transformFunc) {
  for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
    for (var j = 0; j < data[0].length; j++) {
      transformFunc(data, i, j, options);

 * Returns true if the given test value is an object; false otherwise.
function isObject_(test) {
  return Object.prototype.toString.call(test) === '[object Object]';

 * Returns true if the given test value is an array containing at least one object; false otherwise.
function isObjectArray_(test) {
  for (var i = 0; i < test.length; i++) {
    if (isObject_(test[i])) {
      return true; 

  return false;

 * Returns true if the given query applies to the given path. 
function includeXPath_(query, path, options) {
  if (!query) {
    return true; 
  } else if (Array.isArray(query)) {
    for (var i = 0; i < query.length; i++) {
      if (applyXPathRule_(query[i], path, options)) {
        return true; 
  } else {
    return applyXPathRule_(query, path, options);
  return false; 

 * Returns true if the rule applies to the given path. 
function applyXPathRule_(rule, path, options) {
  return path.indexOf(rule) == 0; 

 * By default, this function transforms the value at the given row & column so it looks more like a normal data import. Specifically:
 *   - Data from parent JSON elements gets inherited to their child elements, so rows representing child elements contain the values 
 *     of the rows representing their parent elements.
 *   - Values longer than 256 characters get truncated.
 *   - Values in row 0 (headers) have slashes converted to spaces, common prefixes removed and the resulting text converted to title 
*      case. 
 * To change this behavior, pass in one of these values in the options parameter:
 *    noInherit:     Don't inherit values from parent elements
 *    noTruncate:    Don't truncate values
 *    rawHeaders:    Don't prettify headers
 *    debugLocation: Prepend each value with the row & column it belongs in
function defaultTransform_(data, row, column, options) {
  if (data[row][column] == null) {
    if (row < 2 || hasOption_(options, "noInherit")) {
      data[row][column] = "";
    } else {
      data[row][column] = data[row-1][column];

  if (!hasOption_(options, "rawHeaders") && row == 0) {
    if (column == 0 && data[row].length > 1) {
      removeCommonPrefixes_(data, row);  
    data[row][column] = toTitleCase_(data[row][column].toString().replace(/[\/\_]/g, " "));
  if (!hasOption_(options, "noTruncate") && data[row][column]) {
    data[row][column] = data[row][column].toString().substr(0, 256);

  if (hasOption_(options, "debugLocation")) {
    data[row][column] = "[" + row + "," + column + "]" + data[row][column];

 * If all the values in the given row share the same prefix, remove that prefix.
function removeCommonPrefixes_(data, row) {
  var matchIndex = data[row][0].length;

  for (var i = 1; i < data[row].length; i++) {
    matchIndex = findEqualityEndpoint_(data[row][i-1], data[row][i], matchIndex);

    if (matchIndex == 0) {
  for (var i = 0; i < data[row].length; i++) {
    data[row][i] = data[row][i].substring(matchIndex, data[row][i].length);

 * Locates the index where the two strings values stop being equal, stopping automatically at the stopAt index.
function findEqualityEndpoint_(string1, string2, stopAt) {
  if (!string1 || !string2) {
    return -1; 
  var maxEndpoint = Math.min(stopAt, string1.length, string2.length);
  for (var i = 0; i < maxEndpoint; i++) {
    if (string1.charAt(i) != string2.charAt(i)) {
      return i;
  return maxEndpoint;

 * Converts the text to title case.
function toTitleCase_(text) {
  if (text == null) {
    return null;
  return text.replace(/\w\S*/g, function(word) { return word.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + word.substr(1).toLowerCase(); });

 * Returns true if the given set of options contains the given option.
function hasOption_(options, option) {
  return options && options.indexOf(option) >= 0;

 * Parses the given string into an object, trimming any leading or trailing spaces from the keys.
function parseToObject_(text) {
  var map     = new Object();
  var entries = (text != null && text.trim().length > 0) ? text.toString().split(",") : new Array();
  for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
    addToMap_(map, entries[i]);  
  return map;

 * Parses the given entry and adds it to the given map, trimming any leading or trailing spaces from the key.
function addToMap_(map, entry) {
  var equalsIndex = entry.indexOf("=");  
  var key         = (equalsIndex != -1) ? entry.substring(0, equalsIndex) : entry;
  var value       = (key.length + 1 < entry.length) ? entry.substring(key.length + 1) : "";
  map[key.trim()] = value;

 * Returns the given value as a boolean.
function toBool_(value) {
  return value == null ? false : (value.toString().toLowerCase() == "true" ? true : false);

 * Converts the value for the given key in the given map to a bool.
function convertToBool_(map, key) {
  if (map[key] != null) {
    map[key] = toBool_(map[key]);

function getDataFromNamedSheet_(sheetName) {
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var source = ss.getSheetByName(sheetName);
  var jsonRange = source.getRange(1,1,source.getLastRow());
  var jsonValues = jsonRange.getValues();
  var jsonText = "";
  for (var row in jsonValues) {
    for (var col in jsonValues[row]) {
      jsonText +=jsonValues[row][col];
  return JSON.parse(jsonText);
Quelle: GitHub / BradJasper / ImportJSON

Und nun folgenden Befehl in die Zelle eingeben:

Code: Alles auswählen

=ImportJSON("https://www.edsm.net/api-v1/system?systemName=" & ENCODEURL(Zelle mit Systemnamen) & "&showCoordinates=1";"/coords/x,/coords/y,/coords/z";"noHeaders")
Zahlen werden im englischen Format (Punkt anstatt Komma ausgegeben),
außerdem gibt es wieder das Problem mit den "+" im Systemnamen... diese Systeme werden nicht gefunden.

Wer trotzdem damit Leben kann (ich kann's):
Viel Spaß damit.

€dit: Enivsitor/Conparator konnte weiterhelfen und so ist das "+" Problem inzwischen auch Geschichte. An dieser Stelle nochmal vielen Dank dafür.
Beiträge: 160
Registriert: Mo 5. Sep 2022, 11:46
Hat sich bedankt: 14 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 222 Mal

Re: Excel & GoogleSheet Skript um Koordinaten von EDSM abzurufen


Um das Punkt / Komma Problem bei Sheets zu "umgehen",
am besten die x/y/z-Koordinaten in "Bearbeitungszellen" lesen lassen und dann mit

Code: Alles auswählen

in die gewünschte Zelle bringen.

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